Miami Center For Craniomandibular Disorders

Foods that can not be cleaned off the braces may lead to discoloration and decay of your teeth. Even thought our braces and wires are metal, they are fragile and usually damage by eating wrong food thus taking us longer to finish our treatment.



Sticky Food: caramels, toffee, sugar daddies, star bursts, sugar babies, tootsie rolls, sticky chocolate bars,

Hard Food: nuts, hard candy, apples (unless cut into small pieces)

Corn on the cob, ice, carrots (unless cooked or cut into small pieces)



Eat less:  candy, cookies, ice cream, cake, donuts, pie, and chocolate.

Drink less: sodas and dinks with high sugar in them.

Please brush your teeth at least 3 times a day in the morning, after lunch or when back from school and before going to bed.

Every time you eat sweets you should brush your teeth.

Before coming to your orthodontic visits you should brush your teeth, that way your wires and elastics can be replace faster.

The Dr. is going to check your teeth every visits if they are full of dental plaque (sticky yellow layer) He will remove your braces and your treatment will be stop.